- Start your own local chapter of an existing organization.
- Make a donation to a wild cat organization to help cover expenses related to their conservation work.
- Donate to a wild cat conservation fund. Groups that operate as a fund will distribute the money they collect to various programs and projects in need of support.
- Sponsor conservationists in the field.
- Email information and links about wild cat conservation to your friends and family.
- Get friends and family members to join a wild cat conservation organization.
- Collect donations from family, friends, coworkers and neighbors for a wild cat conservation group, project or campaign.
- Promote the fundraising activities of an organization.
- Organize your own fundraising event for a wild cat conservation cause or organization.
- Create and promote a fundraiser on sites like crowdrise, razoo, chipin and ammado.
- Volunteer at a wild cat organization. Most groups are engaged in many different types of projects, from education and public awareness campaigns to rescuing and providing sanctuary for injured, abandoned and abused cats.
- Follow an organization on Twitter and retweet their news.
- Create your own Twitter campaign to help save wild cats.
- Subscribe to a wild cat organization’s RSS feed; share important news and information throughout your social networks.
- Write about wild cat conservation on your blog.
- Create links from your blog to other wild cat conservation blogs and organizations.
- Develop your own wild cat conservation blog.
- Post information about wild cat conservation on your website.
- Link to wild cat organizations from your website’s home page.
- Embed wild cat organization widgets on your website.
- Place wild cat organization widget on your Facebook page.
- Visit the websites of wild cat organizations; like and share the site with others in your social network.
- Create a Facebook page in support of wild cat conservation.
- Watch and give high ratings to YouTube videos posted by wild cat organizations.
- Add YouTube videos from wild cat organizations to your Favorites list and subscribe to their channels.
- Share YouTube wild cat conservation videos with people in your social networks.
- Create your own YouTube wild cat channel.
- Find and submit wild cat conservation news stories and articles to Digg, Stumbeupon, Delicious and similar types of social bookmarking sites.
- Add your comments to online wild cat news stories in support of conservation efforts and legislation.
- Adopt a wild cat. Many organizations have online adoption programs as part of their fundraising efforts.
- Document and report abuses of captive wild cats in your area.
- Buy gifts or gift cards for your friends and family at a wild cat organization online store. Proceeds from your purchases will help support the group’s activities.
- In lieu of a gift on a special occasion, ask friends and family to make a donation to a wild cat organization on your behalf.
- Send wild cat conservation ecards.
- Purchase and wear t-shirts and hats promoting a wild cat organization or issue.
- Put a wild cat organization or conservation bumper sticker on your car.
- Find out about current wild cat legislation and email your government representatives in support of any pro-conservation laws.
- Sign wild cat conservation petitions.
- Get signatures on wild cat conservation petitions.
- Write a letter to the editor in support of wild cat conservation.
- Write an editorial in support of wild cat conservation.
- Teach your children about wild cat conservation.
- Help your child organize a wild cat conservation club at his or her school.
- Give talks at schools, community groups and youth organizations about wild cat conservation.
- If you visit a wild cat sanctuary or a zoo engaged in wild cat conservation efforts, go online and post a favorable review.
- Incorporate gifting to wild cat conservation organizations into your estate plan.
- Video wild cats at your local zoo; upload the videos to YouTube, Vimeo and other video sharing sites; use the video to draw attention to wild cat conservation issues.
- Take photos of wild cats at your local zoo and upload the images to Flickr, Pinterest and other photo sharing sites to increase public awareness on big and small wild cats conservation.
- Shop responsibly. Buy products and services from companies with a commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation.
Don’t purchase products containing palm oil. Tigers have lost over 90 percent of their historical range in the past 100 years to population growth and agricultural activities, reducing tiger populations to below 4,000 individuals. Palm oil plantations are a huge culprit every hour, an area the size of 300 football fields is lost to make way for cheap and profitable palm fields.
Reduce your paper consumption. Deforestation in Asia and South America for the production of paper products is a significant contributor to the loss of wild cat populations, including tigers. By reducing demand, you reduce the need to cut down vital habitat for these animals. It also contributes to the protection of other important species that rely on these forests to survive.
Never purchase illegal wildlife products, either at home or abroad. Many people view dead lions & tigers as extremely valuable, using every part of their bodies in some way. There is no science to back claims that lion, tiger or other animal parts have medicinal value, and lion and tigers suffer needlessly at the hands of poachers or in illegal tiger farms where they are bred for their parts.
Donate money to the cause. If you can’t commit to a monthly one, a one-off donation helps these majestic wild cats too!Finally, and most importantly – spread the word! Sharing facts, stats and personal thoughts about the issue helps bring it to people’s attention. The more people know about how vulnerable lions are, the higher the chances of them taking action.speak out in your area and social networks about what canned trophy hunting really is and how it impacts the survival of Africa’s lions.
Your Contributions Would Be Greatly Appreciated.
Please Contact The Organizations Listed
On The Related Web Pages Below.

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| More Tiger Pics |More Lion Pics | Big Cat Sounds | TLK Fan Art Sites | Postcard Sites | My Links Page | Other Lion Links | Sanctuarie Links |
| Cat Facts | Awards Won | Win My Award | List Of Cat Species | Linking Back To Here | Just 4 Kids | Big Kitty Quiz | Lake Applet Links |
| Big Cat Movies | Big Cat Cams | Big Cat Books |Search Engines | Big Cat Humor | Endangered Cats | Big Cats As Pets | Collective Nouns |
| Smaller Cat Pics | Games | Big Cat ASCII Art | Big Cat Attacks | Extinct Big Cats | Help The Big Cats | Links Page 2 | Small Cat Info | African Lion Info |
White Lion Info | White Tiger Info | Cheetah Info | Leopard Info | Black Leopard Info | Snow Leopard Info | Jaguar Info | Mountain Lion info | Siberian Tiger Info |
Bengal Tiger Info | Indo Chinese Tiger Info | South China Tiger Info | Sumatran Tiger Info | Malayan Tiger info | Golden Tabby Tiger Info | Liger & Tigon Info |
Tiger Parts N Asian Medicine Trade | Big Cat Poetry | Unlikely Animal Friends |